Are You Ready for Plant-based Revolution?
The trend towards plant-based eating is likely to be unstoppable as plant-based listed as one of the Top Ten Trends for 2022, according to Innova Market Insights.
OAT | A Crucial Element in Plant-based Products

Natural soluble oat bran fibre, extracted from
non-GMO Nordic oats without the use chemicals.
PromOat® is the first oat beta-glucan that is 100%
soluble in water and comes with high purity of oat
beta-glucan (up to 34%).

Health Benefits:

Functional Benefits:

Unique, natural oat protein concentrate derived
from non-GMO Nordic oats using gentle separation process without the use of chemicals.
PrOatein™ is rich in essential amino acids, including
branched-chain amino acids which are important
for muscle growth and recovery.
Excellent Protein Quality
